Just finished watching The Great Debaters.. really a good movie.. best2.. inspired me to read more and more and acquire knowledge as much as possible, to think a lot and most importantly don't ever leave the critical thinking away, itu pun apa yang Allah ajar pada kita bukan?... kan bagus kalau budaya berfikir yang sangat aktif yang ada kat dalam cerita ni berlaku dalam masyarakat kita. Tapi apa pun perubahan yang kita mahukan mestilah bermula dari kita sendiri dahulu.
5 ulasan:
at this point, we are different.
to sure u, i used to be a hero in debate~ but it turns 180 degrees.
i never lost, meanwhile i feel bad with myself. defending and debating over my principles~
i'd do anything except put my back front of myself.~
just an opinion
but keep ur works up!
thanx for visiting, anyway, awk dulu join debat ape? english, malay? kenapa awak cakap bile debat awak terpaksa membelakangkan prinsip awak? maybe u can explain to me a little be about ur debating experience.. I'd really appreciate that.
debat dlm arab..peh..mesti masyi maut nie..
debat dlm arab..peh..mesti masyi maut nie..
ala bese je. baru je nak berjinak2 dengan debat arab... terer memang jauh sekali.. hehe
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